
Audio Ease Speakerphone 2 – Speaker / Environment Emulation Software For Discount

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SKU: US-9935756497298 Category: Tags: ,


Audio Ease Speakerphone 2 – Speaker / Environment Emulation Software

A bad GSM connection on a busy sidewalk, a bullhorn with feedback and a helicopter overhead, or a 1952 rockabilly guitar amp in a recording studio live room: The Speakerphone audio plug-in gives you authentic speakers of any size together with their natural environments.

All the walkie-talkies, distant transistor radios, upstairs TV sets, bullhorns, cell phones and guitar cabinets you will ever need. Speakerphone (Mac , Windows, iLok or challenge response) will add dial tones, operator, static, and you can select from a wealth of ambiences on either the caller or receiver’s end.

400 speaker impulse responses, 23 microphones, 106 ‘Covers’ (from blankets to car trunks), 53 Altiverb rooms and outdoor spaces, 5 gigabyte of ambiences and sound FX, and 12 DSP modules from Leslie to GSM compression, conveniently presented to you in well over 500 presets.


  • 400 Speaker Impulse Responses
  • 23 Microphones
  • 106 ‘Covers’ (From Blankets to Car Trunks)
  • 53 Altiverb Rooms and Outdoor Spaces
  • 5 Gigabyte of Ambiences and Sound FX
  • 12 DSP Modules from Leslie to GSM Compression
  • Conveniently Presented to You in Well Over 500 Presets.

Audio Ease Speakerphone 2 - Speaker / Environment Emulation Software

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