
Auralex MAX Wall 831 20×48 Inch Panel Kit (Charcoal) Cheap

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Auralex MAX Wall 831 20×48 Inch Panel Kit (Charcoal)

The patent-pending, interlocking MAX-Wall acoustic treatment system is made to grow and grow as your needs change… it can just go on and on and on, but only if you need it to. Don’t buy more than your place requires… and don’t bankrupt your pocketbook when a simple MAX-Wall system might be all you need! You want modular? MAX-Wall’s your answer. This product is the best portable vocal booth/mixing station for your money!

The MAX-Wall’s perfect if you’re renting a space and don’t want to-or aren’t allowed to – mount anything to your walls, or if your place needs to serve a variety of acoustical purposes. MAX-Wall offers you great flexibility in a big hurry. The 831 Kit (shown here) can serve as an excellent mix position, and in just minutes can be reconfigured to serve as a triangular vocal booth, complete with window!

MAX-Wall 831

  • 8 – 20″x48″ MW panels
  • 1 – MW-Window panel
  • 3 MAX-Stand
  • 3 Max-Clamp

The MAX-Wall is very absorptive, even at low frequencies. It offers great broadband absorption and is incredibly linear, with an overall NRC of 1.05! In our own use and testing, we’ve been amazed at its effectiveness. We ultimately concluded that you get great absorption because all sides of the MAX-Wall panels are exposed, thus doing double – duty.

The MAX-Wall’s proprietary, patent-pending design offers excellent broadband control of sound waves throughout your room AND in the near field, so now you can play, record or mix great music or vocal tracks ANYWHERE at ANY TIME!

The MAX-Wall panels are thick enough to yield a pretty high degree of sound containment, so a couple boxes of them can be used to set up – in a flash! – a temporary iso booth. Will it yield total sound isolation? Heck no. But it’ll give you enough containment so that you can lay down a clean new track in a hurry and likely not have to monitor on headphones.

Auralex MAX Wall 831 20x48 Inch Panel Kit (Charcoal)

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